Friday, January 9, 2009

Gotta be sneaky-sneaky!

Hi! I's Bella. I live with the Callie Dog... Manda's away, so I sneaked on the compwuter to say how I is no actually the bad dog. I is actuly weally a good good good dog. Yup! I is!

Okay, so the Manda person is in Toe-ron-toe (where ever that place is - sounds like its gots lots of feeties - I lub feeties!), and Callie's been really dwiffernt since she leaved. She cuddles my momma a lot, and momma makes funny faces, and funny noizes, and does funny stuffs. It's not very cool - I dun like it at all!

Callie'z good. Her runs, and playez a lots, and even playeded some wif me today, witch she usuallly doesn't dos. She haz a little pink toys that momma calls a "baby", that I lub, and I likes to take it from the Callie Dog, but I has to make sure Callie's not in her bed, or she growls at me (crotitchy old thing!), so I sneaks it... I'm a good sneakerpersonthingy.

Manda Person comez home from Toe-ron-toe tomorrowz, so I thunked that if Iz gonna write all ober the blogthingybobber I should doz today... So I doz... I dun really has much to say, I just wanna says things... I like saysing things... Is fun!

Okay, I know what I do! I put a peekture of me, so you see that I is really a good dog, howz coulda this face be bad?

Okayz, gotta goes! Hope you likeded it! I will do again, if you wantz!

Lots of droolz for everybodies!