Friday, November 28, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Hi guys!

I am so excited that there has been snow the last few days! It's starting to go away with the warm, wet weather, but for a few days there, I had a lot of fun sliding through the snow, running and pouncing on the other dogs!

I feel better and better every day, and mom is glad to see it. Who cares if I have to eat pills? I have the energy and feel good enough to play with the other dogs. I especially like harrassing Sasha, even though she is twice my size. I don't even remember why but we got into a little scuffle last week. Mom didn't believe her sister when she told her that I was picking on Sasha... I don't know why I did, I love Sasha!

Mom took some pictures of all of us playing in the snow last week so I thought I would share:

What is this stuff?

Bella really seems to like the snow!

She is an amazing jumper!

Dashing through the snow...

Speaking of Christmas, at Aunt Sarah's prompting, mom wanted me to put together a Christmas list...

- A soft, cuddly toy that will fit in my mouth so I can carry it around.
- A new, girly collar and leash
- Soft, chewy treats (hard ones don't work because my teeth don't chew good!)

That's all I can think of. I don't want much, because I have way more than I ever imagined I could have before I came to live with mom - my own nice crate, a soft pillow, water and food dishes, and someone to pat me and play with me! I think my new home is the best Christmas gift of all!

Happy Howlidays!

Monday, November 17, 2008

My new game

Hey everyone!

Nothing very exciting has happened over the last couple of weeks, except that I discovered that I love soft, furry toys. Mom and her sister keep talking about Christmas and what I might want, and I think I would like a soft, fluffy toy to sleep in my crate with me, especially if mom makes it smell like her!

Speaking of my crate and mom, I have started a new game. She goes to this thing called "work" at night now, and gets home pretty late. While she is gone, I take her orange shoes and hide them in my crate. She wears them when she is home, walking around in the house. I like to keep them in there because they smell like mom and also because it means she has to climb inside of my crate to get them when she gets home, and I always make sure to give her a big sloppy kiss when she does!

The weather lately has been really wet and so I have been really sore. I still play even though it hurts a little bit. Mom even told me some bad news - she has been making sure my pills get into me in that wet dog food. I saw her smashing something up the other day and she told me that the reason I am starting to feel better is because she has been making sure my pills get in my food one way or the other. Oh well, at least I get the yummy dog food that it comes with!

Mom finally got the pictures from my bath onto her computer so she wants me to share. She says my coat has gotten shinier and smells a lot better since I had my bath, and it might also be the good food I am finally getting. She wants me to remind everyone how well behaved I was in the bath tub, she was very proud! After the bath, she wrapped me up in some soft cloth and I got to sit on the couch!

"Mom - why do you do this to me? I thought you loved me!"

"Does this robe make my nose look big?"

Mom says: "Babushka! You came to visit us from the old country!"

Licks and tail wags!

PS: Mom says to keep a watch out for a "cute" video of my eyebrows in a couple of days!

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's been a while...

Well, my mom went away for three days and just got back. Her sister and the old lady also went with her and took Zoey and Stinky. I wish they would have taken me but at the same time, I don't think it would have been very nice because I don't really like travelling and Stinky told me it was a very long ride and they stayed in their crates a lot - I would not have minded that part so much.

Anyways, it was just me and Morrie, Gypsy, Bella, Sasha and the old man. The old man put a fence around the front yard so we wouldn't run away. This means that I got a lot more playtime than I usually do, and I spent a lot of time running around and playing with the other dogs. I really do like playing and I feel better and better everyday. It must be because mom stopped making me swallow those icky pills in peanut butter. She did leave some of that wet food with the old man for me, in specially labelled containers in the big dog food box that is cold and he put some on my food every day like a good servant.

I really did miss mom when she was gone, though, and I have not left her side since she got back. I don't want her to go away again! She told me she has another day off work before she has to go back again so I can be with her some more.

Now I need to go lay on mom's lap for a while and do normal stuff like watch Oprah and Dr Phil.

Love and kisses,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I love kids!

So last night, mom had some kids over to visit. I had to stay in the house most of the time because they were in the barn and I love to go eat giant dog poop... mom gets worried because sometimes I get too close to the big dogs in the barn and she tells me if I get any more lame, I won't be able to walk at all!

Anyways, after they were finished with the really big dogs, mom came and got me and Sasha, Morrie and Stinky. She let us outside and the two little kids were standing there. I was so excited to see little people that wanted to meet me that I ran right up to them, wiggling my bum like crazy. The littlest one was a girl and I heard her mom telling my mom that she doesn't like german shepherds, but she seemed to LOVE me! She leaned right down and patted me and kissed me, and so did the other one.

I loved visiting with them and I hope mom brings kids to visit more often. They are the perfect size for patting me!

Also, I've been pretty happy because mom stopped trying to sneak giant pills into weeners or a wad of sticky peanut butter (she stopped trying because I can pick the pills out of both the weeners and the peanut butter and spit them out in my bed). Now she gives me a soft food on top of my regular food, just a little bit. It has little white flecks in it and smells really fishy, but I know mom is not hiding anything in there! She can't be, because I can't feel the pills! (But I did hear her complaining to the old man that the "pill crusher" (whatever that is, it sounds good because it destroys icky pills!) hurts her hand.

I'm so smart, figuring out how to get her to stop giving me pills!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What's that smell?

Well, I can tell you that smell is not me anymore!

A couple of days ago, the old lady (with no pants on sometimes) took me into a small room that had a lot of white in it. My mom was looking for me and looking for me - inside and out. The old lady helped me into a big bowl and then turned on some water. She put the water all over me and scrubbed me before mom finally found us in there! Mom said I was being a really good girl in the bathtub and she even took some pictures, but her interwebz is working funny again so she can't put them on the computer yet. I didn't mind the bath so much but I hated it after mom and the old lady used some cloth to lift me out and then I was just wet and waiting to dry.

It took a long time for me to dry and it was kind of cold out so I was doing my pee and poo really quickly so I could come back into the warm house! I think I like this bath thing because I smell good and mom pats me more. She says my breath still smells but it's not so bad now that my fur smells good and is all shiny. Now the big problem is that a lot of my hair is coming out - mom calls it "shedding" - and my hair is all over the place. Actually, this isn't so much a problem for me but mom has trouble finding hair-free hands to eat food with and do other things!

I have been feeling better these days - mom keeps telling me it's the big white pills that she is giving me but I don't believe that anything that icky to swallow can be good for me! Anyways, the other day, I made mom laugh and almost cry because I peed and then ran back to her and slapped my paws on the ground, trying to get her to play. She was really excited that I was "instigating play" and she told everyone a million times and she looked really proud. Everytime I run around like a puppy, it makes her laugh and smile.

Speaking of pills, mom got me some new ones today. They are big and clear and the fluid inside smells fishy to me. She tried to trick me by crushing up the glucosamine and then squeezing out the fishy ones and mixing it all in peanut butter... but I was not fooled. It was gross, but she pushed it in my mouth and made me eat it. I am not tricked when she tries to put the pills in weeners, either. I am just way too smart for her!

Tonight, I went out for my pee with mom and ran around and played all silly like and then we came back inside. Zoey and Morrie were bad dogs and went to visit the neighbor so the old man went to get them and when they came back, someone (and I am not pointing paws, but he is brown and his name starts with an "M" and ends with an "orrie") smelled terrible. Mom and her sister made awful faces and hid their noses and mouths and screaming "SKUNK! SKUNK!". I don't know what a skunk is but if that's what it smells like, I never want to meet one! Right now, Morrie is in the bathtub, taking a bath. He doesn't like them as much as I do (well, I don't like them, but I don't hate them). He whines and claws and tries to get out. Mom says he deserves it for being too friendly with the skunk... I'm just glad I'm not the stinky one anymore!!

Holding my nose,