Monday, November 17, 2008

My new game

Hey everyone!

Nothing very exciting has happened over the last couple of weeks, except that I discovered that I love soft, furry toys. Mom and her sister keep talking about Christmas and what I might want, and I think I would like a soft, fluffy toy to sleep in my crate with me, especially if mom makes it smell like her!

Speaking of my crate and mom, I have started a new game. She goes to this thing called "work" at night now, and gets home pretty late. While she is gone, I take her orange shoes and hide them in my crate. She wears them when she is home, walking around in the house. I like to keep them in there because they smell like mom and also because it means she has to climb inside of my crate to get them when she gets home, and I always make sure to give her a big sloppy kiss when she does!

The weather lately has been really wet and so I have been really sore. I still play even though it hurts a little bit. Mom even told me some bad news - she has been making sure my pills get into me in that wet dog food. I saw her smashing something up the other day and she told me that the reason I am starting to feel better is because she has been making sure my pills get in my food one way or the other. Oh well, at least I get the yummy dog food that it comes with!

Mom finally got the pictures from my bath onto her computer so she wants me to share. She says my coat has gotten shinier and smells a lot better since I had my bath, and it might also be the good food I am finally getting. She wants me to remind everyone how well behaved I was in the bath tub, she was very proud! After the bath, she wrapped me up in some soft cloth and I got to sit on the couch!

"Mom - why do you do this to me? I thought you loved me!"

"Does this robe make my nose look big?"

Mom says: "Babushka! You came to visit us from the old country!"

Licks and tail wags!

PS: Mom says to keep a watch out for a "cute" video of my eyebrows in a couple of days!

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