Monday, February 16, 2009

The things I love....

Yesterday, mom and her sister went to what they called an "Anti-Valentine's Party". All that I have been able to decide about this "Valentine's" thing is that it makes mom stay away from the house alot (she is "waitressing" at special dinners), but she has told me that Valentine's is to celebrate the "one" you love. I love mom, but I also love a lot of other things, so I thought I would write you a letter about the things I love and the things I don't love.

- I love mom, yes I do! I even love mom's sister, but don't tell her that.

- I love my bed.

- I love playing in the snow with the other dogs, I even jump a little fence now!

- I love shoving my nose in mom's back over and over when she is sleeping on the couch.

- I love stealing toys from the other dogs and putting them in my crate. I don't want to play with them, I just want to take them.

- I love playing with Sasha.

Some of the things I don't like...

- I don't like when mom tries to cut my toenails. I don't put up too much fuss, but I let her know I'm not happy!

- I don't like eating my pills that smell like fish.

- I don't like it when I don't eat my pills that smell like fish and mom opens my mouth and puts them so far back in my throat that I have no choice but to swallow.

- I don't like most treats.

- I don't like being bothered when I am trying to poop!

- I don't like being brushed. I feel better after mom gets all that gross, dead hair off of me but I don't like it when she is doing it!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Long Time No Type!

Hi guys!

It has been quite a while since I have had the time to sit down and write you a letter, because both mom and I have been pretty busy.

First, mom went away for a long time... well, mom's sister kept saying "a week", but I don't know how long that really is, it just seemed like a LONG time! While mom was away, mom's sister let Bella pick on me. As you can see, she hacked into my blog and typed her own things. She is pretty evil most of the time. We get along alright but I know she is just waiting to do naughty things!

I was very happy when mom came back! I danced all over to show her how happy I was, and licked her face. She gave me lots of kisses. Don't tell her I told you, but I think she really missed me too. She promised she wouldn't go away that long again. She has gone away for one night a couple of times since then, but she said if she ever went away that long again, I could come with her. I don't know if she's telling the truth or not and hopefully she doesn't go far because I really don't like riding in the car!!

We have gotten quite a lot of snow lately, and I have been having a lot of fun playing in it. Up until a couple of weeks ago, mom would take Morrie and me out to play in it together. She said I am like "a whole new dog", she never imagined that I would be able to play and run. Here are some pictures that she took!

Mom says I have been a "floozie" lately so I am not allowed to play with Morrie, except when mom is watching us, and sometimes not even then. She said something about "in heat". I think this might have to do with when the vet said I should not be "spaded" because it would be too "invasive". I don't know, really, but I do know usually after I am being a floozie, I have puppies. Mom said that wouldn't happen this time.

A lot of new babies are being born on the farm and some of them come in the house sometimes. They are funny with long ears and instead of paws they have two little hard toes. They make awful noises that sound like "MOOOOOOM! MOOOOM!". Whenever they come in the house, Bella gets all happy and licks them all over like they are her babies, and mom's sister calls her "Mama Bella". I wonder if I could be their mama too....

Friday, January 9, 2009

Gotta be sneaky-sneaky!

Hi! I's Bella. I live with the Callie Dog... Manda's away, so I sneaked on the compwuter to say how I is no actually the bad dog. I is actuly weally a good good good dog. Yup! I is!

Okay, so the Manda person is in Toe-ron-toe (where ever that place is - sounds like its gots lots of feeties - I lub feeties!), and Callie's been really dwiffernt since she leaved. She cuddles my momma a lot, and momma makes funny faces, and funny noizes, and does funny stuffs. It's not very cool - I dun like it at all!

Callie'z good. Her runs, and playez a lots, and even playeded some wif me today, witch she usuallly doesn't dos. She haz a little pink toys that momma calls a "baby", that I lub, and I likes to take it from the Callie Dog, but I has to make sure Callie's not in her bed, or she growls at me (crotitchy old thing!), so I sneaks it... I'm a good sneakerpersonthingy.

Manda Person comez home from Toe-ron-toe tomorrowz, so I thunked that if Iz gonna write all ober the blogthingybobber I should doz today... So I doz... I dun really has much to say, I just wanna says things... I like saysing things... Is fun!

Okay, I know what I do! I put a peekture of me, so you see that I is really a good dog, howz coulda this face be bad?

Okayz, gotta goes! Hope you likeded it! I will do again, if you wantz!

Lots of droolz for everybodies!